Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Done but with no light at the end of the tunnel

I've finished my dissertation. Stamped, submistted, sent...

This ends a big chapter of my life - school. Academia...

With the economy, there's not jobs for someone like me - an aspiring professor. I'd like more of a teaching load and less of a research load...I'm an excellent teacher.

But there are no jobs. None. I've interviewed (21 days ago) and haven't heard a word. I've sent out my CV, my application packet.

Why wouldn't someone want a girl with 3 publications, one more submitted and another in preparation? That would be 5 pubs for a PhD student. I think that's pretty good.

I'm also really good with students. I get how to teach. I love teaching.


Anyone want to hire me? I'm creative; I'm a fast learner; I'm a critial thinker; I'm punctual and reliable; I'm organized; I'm patient; I'm good with technology; I'm energetic; I'm funny; I'm kind; I take on everything I do as if it is the only thing I do; I am what you're looking for. Just find me!

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