Saturday, June 14, 2008

To ride, to lift, to type, or to knit...

My wrists and I fight a lot. Our relationship is say the least. My right wrist ran off with inflammation earlier this year and my left wrist found itself in a fit of jealousy...and, to make matters worth, decided that imitation was the best form of flattery to try to win back the right wrist's affection.

Therefore, every day, I make choices. I think scientists say in an average day that people make 250+ I guess I'm just upping the ante. I get to choose among typing or knitting or lifting weights or riding my bike. Lately I've been getting a "pick three" scenario dependent on time.

My wrists have improved. There was a time I couldn't even hold them up in the air limp (think ostrich head for the visual) without them hurting. After extensive massage sessions, my wrists are 200% improved...unfortunately, they get antsy and are somewhat irritable. I am under the impression that they just get bored.

Oh, well. I've got projects to finish and a queue to uphold!

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