Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beautiful Yarn...mmm...

I am so excited because today, for $59, I bought the most gorgeous yarn on Etsy. You can see it here. It's perfect. I plan to make the February Ladies Sweater with it from Ravelry.

I have visited the Pure Wool online store and all of the products look amazing. Check it out!

I can't wait until my arm feels better and I can knit with it - hopefully that will coincide with the arrival of the yarn!

Yes, too much action for the ol' wrist yesterday. A day of typing followed by a series of rows, cable pull outs (whatever they are called), and dead lifts. I don't even think Biofreeze will help this one! I have an appointment tomorrow and I think I'll schedule a massage to help loosen my poor muscle. The muscle's nerve goes right between my ring and middle fingers on my left hand. It's quacky.


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