Saturday, April 18, 2009

Around and around and around we go

I just cast on for Jared Flood's Girasole. I'm still on DPNs, but it's getting to the point where I need to leave them in the dust. I am absolutely addicted to knitting this pattern.

Don't you love it when you find something you just can't put down? This pattern is like reading a good book - you get to the end and you flip the page hoping there is more. The yarn (Malabrigo Worsted in Paris Night) and the pattern just fit.

There are charts galore in this pattern, so I'm learning to use charts, too. My first lesson was to double check the chart after printing and compare it with the pdf... My "no stitch" and "knit" boxes look identical b/c the gray was shaded so lightly.

It's going well - I think. The ssk, yo, k2tog, ssk, yo, k2tog is giving me some trouble in that it is slower than the others...but I did learn how to k1p1k1 into a single yo!

Soccer was cancelled for this morning, so I think I'll hit that row again after I have my eggs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm knitting this too - its a commemorative gift for my husband and I for our 10th Anniversary - I'm using Rowan Calmer for it in a lovely ivory colour. I too love the pattern - I've found Jared Flood's patterns to be fool-proof and the end products are always beautiful. I am planning on having mine finished by the end of July.